Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happiness and Success

We all strive and endure to be happy. Our journey in life is filled with stories of either successful or not so successful efforts at being happy. The journey continues with acceleration and deceleration.

How dependent is happiness on success?
Also what is success?

Success is time and space dependent. Success for most individuals is determined by the society in  which he/she lives. It can range from getting good grades, studying in an Ivy league or premier college, excelling in sports, being an entrepreneur, fancy job, earning better than one's peers!, having fruitful relationships and friends, and so on....
Happiness comes from making a difference to someone's life. We all cannot be Buddhist monks or monks who have mastered the art of being happy in themselves. Our materialistic and consumeristic desires define success for us on a day to day basis.

Striking a balance, it is possible to have self defined success parameter.
My brother asked me what are the five essential things in life.

Immediate reply was:

1. Food
2. Shelter
3. Love (You need someone who accepts your love!)
4. Freedom
5. Work (Passion)

He just heard me and replied that probably these five things vary at different stages of life.

The one universal parameter for success is economic wealth of a person. In a just, equitable society the wealthiest represent the most talented, industrious, capable people. In other words the wealth of a person is directly proportional to the difference she creates to the number of living things (i changed it from human beings).

Making a difference and being acknowledged and rewarded for it, nothing like it. It definitely contributes to happiness.

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