Friday, April 05, 2013

Empathy And Anger

Many have written about empathy and anger. Emotions which come to us periodically. As a believer in evolutionary biology, i consider, every human quirk, emotion is to help her/him in survival. We get angry when we are not treated fairly, when we get deceived, when we get insulted and conflicts either external or internal of any nature. Anger displayed helps us to get  attention and reaction. This attention and reaction can lead to a correction of events resulting in justice and fairness. This can help one get the needed resources for survival of self and progeny.

Empathy is the other face of the same coin. It helps us to relate and feel the pain of the sufferer. It helps us to understand the situation, circumstances and possibly the suffering of the individual.

How does one become a person with empathy?

What circumstances lead to the development of empathy?

Why empathy is required? Why is it not universal?

When should one employ empathy?

Perspective taking is considering the view point of others without emotional component.

It would be too tempting and romantic to say that we need more empathy in the world. Cultural, religious animosity can be better handled if the capacity for empathy is increased. But in this world there is increasing tendency to view empathy as a weapon of weak person.

Also as empathy is not something which is unlimited in its supply. Empathy like will power is limited and one needs to use it judiciously. Of course being humans one needs to work constantly on increasing the capacity for empathy.
The world has changed in large measure. Developing and deploying empathy should not put one at a survival disadvantage. Theory of abundance!

Anger, the much more common emotion, found everywhere creates regret more than satisfaction. It is a difficult task to master the art of using anger effectively. We burn ourselves and others when we get angry.

What is the best way to cope with anger?

How does one deal with an angry individual?

How does one empathize with an angry person?

What can one do to eliminate or master the emotion of anger?

Is anger more common in individuals who blame others for results, situations? Is anger a manifestation of helplessness in a situation? Does anger subside when harm is inflicted on the opponent?

I have only raised questions rather than answering any.

Few things which i did learn as i was reading about empathy and anger are as below:

1. Empathetic engagement in patient care leads to improved patient outcomes.

2. Very little is known about the neural circuitry of anger. Lack of serotonin can make one more prone to anger as well as suicide!

3. "Mirror neurons" found in our frontal cortex could be responsible for empathy.

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