Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I am not what I appear to be
But I do not know
Who or What I am
Since I do not know who I am
I am what I appear to be

Thursday, July 04, 2013

When Does Passion Become Work?

We all are passionate about something or the other in our life. The more time we spend in what excites us and keeps us passionate, the more happy and healthy we are.

The saying goes, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” 
― Confucius

There are counter arguments for the same.If what we love becomes work, we do not love it any more. It reminds me of another saying, " When you marry your mistress a vacancy is created!"

Getting back to the main premise. We all should have our work aligned to our passion. Alternative is that the work should pay one sufficiently to engage in passion and allow for that leisure time.

But at times the best of passion can become drudgery or boring work. This especially happens when some one instructs you do what you are passionate about. Being told to do something is one of the ways in which the brain can switch off. The flow of things get hampered and there may be no progress in your passion/work!

This is where leaders and managers who excel bring the difference. The successful leader or manager gets the outcome without explicitly instructing for the same to be done. She/he makes the person own the project and responsible for the difference being made by the outcome. Passion is not allowed to fizzle out and there is purpose attached.

The challenge is the same for parents. How does one channelize the energy and interests of kids to activities which will make them proud in the long run? How do kids continue to enjoy without harming themselves or others?

Will end with a question which i am contemplating about.

What is progress?