Friday, June 21, 2013

James Agee-Cotton Tenant, And Now Let Us Praise Famous Men

From James Agee...

"And since every possibility human life holds, or may be deprived of, of value, of wholeness, of richness, of joy, of dignity, depends all but entirely upon circumstances, the circumstances are proportionately worthy of the serious attention of anyone who dares to think of himself as a civilized human being. A civilization which for any reason puts a human life at a disadvantage; or a civilization which can exist only by putting human life at a disadvantage; is worthy neither of the name nor of continuance. And a human being whose life is nurtured in an advantage which has accrued from the disadvantage of other human beings, and who prefers that this should remain as it is, is a human being by definition only, having much more in common with the bedbug, the tapeworm, the cancer, and the scavengers of the deep sea."

Will have to read both the books!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Gift Of Doubt-Malcom Gladwell on Albert O Hirschman

1. So is ignorance an impediment to progress or a precondition for it?
2.The entrepreneur takes risks but does not see himself as a risk-taker, because he operates under the useful delusion that what he’s attempting is not risky.
3. Hamlet shouldn’t have been frozen by his doubts; he should have been freed by them.
4.“to come to an understanding of reality in portions, admitting that the angle may be subjective.”
5. “Why are bananas bent?”
6. “Exit, Voice, and Loyalty,”
7. “Proving Hamlet wrong” was about the importance of acting in the face of doubt—but also of acting in the face of fear. Voice was courage.

Mindtunes-A Track Created Only By Mind
